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Online Marketing Communication Using Websites. A Case Study of Website Utility in Accessing European Funds in the Tourism Field Regarding Northeastern Romania

European funds are considered to be the most important financial instruments designed to develop and improve the work done in each Member State. Achieving a high degree of absorption as well as exploitation of results obtained from implementing various projects depends to a high degree on how each country plan and organizes their work. Thus, for proper development of the field level of this activity is necessary to implement a marketing vision to facilitate on the one hand European funds, on the other hand communication with beneficiaries. Considering all these aspects, the level of this work was a study that sought to determine how Web technologies are currently used in marketing communications from the European funds in the field of tourism. Analysis undertaken aims to determine the effectiveness of these technologies and how they could be improved to increase absorption. The research was conducted at one of the most effective operational programs in Romania, namely the Regional Operational Programme. To complete results, a quantitative study was conducted among potential beneficiaries, to identify their opinion on how you should build websites so the existing communication processes to be more effective for the involved parties.

Nomor ISSN 2212-5671
Tahun Terbit 2015

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