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Paranormal tourism: Assessing tourists' onsite experiences

Paranormal tourism is one of the new forms of special interest tourism. It is defined by tourists' interests in topics which challenge realist ontologies and representational epistemologies. The aims of this study were to outline the facets of tourists' experiences when visiting key sites of paranormal interest in Bali, Indonesia. The work also assessed the way context influences tourists' paranormal experiences. The researchers used the conceptual fra- mework of the Orchestra Model of tourists' experiences to inform this work. Highlights from the comprehensive descriptive assessment include high levels of emotional excitement, joy, and surprise, some specific visual sensations, as well as instances of noteworthy sounds, smells, and tastes. Different settings (ghost versus spiritual sites) affect the tourists' onsite reactions. This foundation study on paranormal tourism contributes to an un- derstanding of the emerging area of paranormal tourism. Through understanding tourists' experiences, this study also offers directions for tourism marketing of relevant destinations.

Nomor ISSN 2211-9736/
Tahun Terbit 2018

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